Around Xmas my cat pooped and there was blood on it, I took her to the vets the same day and they did a stool test and rectal exam. Prescribed metronidazole and GI wet food. Next day when she pooped bloody mucus came out of her butt. I took her back to the vets recently and it stopped completely after I switched her food to royal canin and science diet only instead of friskies. but now it’s back again and I haven changed her diet cat doesn’t vomit runs fine weight is maintained. What’s going on
Updated On March 18th, 2020
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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM 107
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This can be a frustrating problem to deal with - some cats seem to develop recurrent colitis and have blood and/or mucous in the stool. Even though her diet has been changed sometimes there is a sensitivity to a specific protein in the food, and a hypoallergenic diet might help. I also sometimes try a probiotic in cases like this. Occasionally it is linked to litter box stress, so if she is pooping outside the box I'd recommend making sure you have excellent litter box hygiene in the house as outlined here: https://indoorpet.osu.edu/cats/basicneeds/litter-boxes
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