Hi. My dog had a fever last sunday and we brought her to a vet on monday. She was diagnose with acute respiratory disease and was given 3 medications which will be taken 2 times a day. BronCure, Immunol and Microflox. He was also given a nutrivet. Photos of the medicines are attach. But up until now she is so weak. She was hyper all the time but things change. She wasnt the ways she is this week. Please help me.

Updated On March 19th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Female | 5 months and 20 days old

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Respiratory diseases can take quite a bit of time to resolve. If it has only been 4 days I really think you need to give her more time. I really cannot comment on those medications as I am not familiar with them; we do not use them in the U.S. Without knowing her diagnosis (respiratory disease is very vague) it is very difficult to give you any further advice. If you do not think she is improving I suggest you take her back to the vet for some x-rays of her lungs and some blood testing.

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