My dog has a hard ball in the middle of her paws. At first I thought it was due to excessive licking but I’m no expert. What I have noticed is it seems to hurt her because every time I try to touch it she’ll take her paw away or flinch. It started about a month ago and has grown

Updated On March 21st, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Female | unspayed | 2 years old | 50 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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It may be an inter digi cyst or mass. You would need to have Athena physically examined by your veterinarian to diagnose either. A fine needle aspirate can be done in the clinic to collect samples for pathology. This may provide a diagnosis. Treatment options can be discussed once results are returned. In the meantime, place an e-collar (cone) on her to prevent licking until she sees the doctor. Given current events, you may need to drive up to the clinic and drop her off then wait for your veterinarian to call you to discuss findings.

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