We have a 3 months old doberman. Any suggestions for food intake? Is it better that the food is raw? Also what is good for them? Chicken? Beef? Pork? Thank you so much

Updated On March 25th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Doberman Pinscher | Male | 3 months and 18 days old

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Raw diets are really not recommended. There is an extremely high chance he could get salmonella or E. coli poisoning just like if we ate raw meat. Despite what TV commercials would lead you to believe, your dog is not a wolf. Dogs have been domesticated a very long time now and their GI tracts have evolved to reflect that. If you want to feed a homemade diet you can do that but the food must be cooked an you need to have a veterinary nutritionist formulate the diet so that is properly balanced with all the vitamins and minerals a dog needs - especially a large breed puppy. I just recommend you feed him a large breed puppy food that is already formulated with everything he needs. A premium brand (not boutique) that is within your budget. Stay away from grain free diets unless he has a DOCUMENTED grain allergy that is proven with testing later on down the line. https://www.chewy.com/royal-canin-large-puppy-dry-dog-food/dp/115775

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