Hi. I found today 3 abandoned kittens. They look less than a week old. I could not find their mother. Can u guide me how to feed them ,, what kind of milk and how much and how frequently? I am keeping them warm by keeping them inside a soft polyester blanket. I have made them pee with a cooton ball. I gave them 2 ml of skim milk in a syringe. It was very awkward and difficult. One of them have loose yellow stool already. Can u guide me plz with my questions and more details. Thank you.

Updated On March 27th, 2020

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. Use a cardboard box as a nest box. Put in a towel, & then a disposable diaper to absorb liquids. Change as needed. Put a heating pad under 1/2 of the box, so the kittens can move as they need more or less warmth. Feed a Kitten Milk Replacer, either a premade liquid or a powder you mix as needed. If you cannot find a kitten milk, this is a formula you can try: 1/2 cup whole milk 1 egg yolk 1 drop multivitamins ( pet or children's ) 3 crushed Tums ( or calcium based antacid ) Feed every 2-3 hours during the day, but do not wake them to feed them. They should do OK all night. If diarrhea persists, you can temporarily add more water to the diet to meet fluid needs. Consider taking a stool sample to your veterinarian for parasite analysis. At 3-4 weeks, start to introduce a solid, soft diet. Good luck & thanks for rescuing the kittens. Thanks for contacting PetCoach.

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