My puppy was diagnosed with Parvo on Tuesday 3/24/20, and was started on antibiotics on Tuesday. She completed them Friday and her poop solidified and stopped seeing blood. Today she had 5 semisolid vowel movements with a very pungent smell. Is this normal for recovering dogs? How long should we expect her poop to be mushy and it to have a “parvo yellow” film?

Updated On March 29th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Goldendoodle | Male | unneutered | 1 year and 2 months old | 20 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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The smell can be normal as can the mucous/yellow color. It can last for a couple weeks. I suggest you start him on a probiotic that may help correct the bacterial imbalance in his GI tract.

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