Hello! I bought Adams plus flea and tick spray to fight a flea problem I’m trying to overcome. I was told this product is safe for use on home surfaces if you have cats, so long as it’s allowed to dry before cats come into contact with it, due to pyrethoids and permethrins being potentially toxic to cats. How long would you say this product takes to dry if sprayed on rugs, curtains, cloth furniture, various surfaces, etc?

Updated On March 29th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. Porous versus solid surfaces will vary, but if you do not apply it too heavily, your carpets & furniture should dry within an hour or so, depending on temperture in your home. If you can set up fans, this will speed drying. Then, just use your hand to judge how dry the cloth surfaces are. Once it feels dry to your hand, your kitties can enter the room. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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