I have a dog 5 years of age. She doesn't eat a lot and becoming skinnier. Although she drinks a lot of water, is there a problem to my dog ? what would I do ?

Updated On April 2nd, 2020

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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA

Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer

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I'm sorry to hear that your dog is sick! Yes, it does sound like something is wrong, if she's not eating much and losing weight. But, these are very vague symptoms that could be caused by almost anything, so it's hard to say what might be wrong without being able to examine her and run some tests. Because of this, I would recommend taking her in to see a vet as soon as you're able to. He/she can do blood work, x-rays, or other testing if needed to help diagnose the problem and see what kind of treatment is needed.

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