My dog was diagnosed with bladder stone! We still dont know what type! Hes 17 years old and has cushings! I want to give him diet food VS surgery! Hes on antibiotics but hes still straining to pee and his red rocket is out after catheter! How long will it take till he can pee normal without any pain and whats ur overall suggestions for this situation to ensure my baby is back to normal?
Updated On April 4th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua | Male | neutered | 17 years and 9 months old | 11 lbs
Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS 86
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It really depends which type of stone it is and the quantity and size of the stone/stones in the bladder. he should get back to normal within 1-2 weeks but without surgery the problem may return. ..some types of stones can be dissolved with a special food, others can't, that's why you must wait for the lab results first.
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