I have a dog that I adopted from the streets of Mexico about 6y ago . She was a puppy when I got her and grew to be around the size of a German shepherd. 2y ago she attacked one of my small dogs and killed her, she got territorial over a male dog sneaking into our yard. We kept her separated from our other small one until she escaped and killed the other small one too. She’s spayed now and there was no reason for her to attack. I’m too emotionally exhausted to keep her but don’t know what to do

Updated On April 6th, 2020

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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My answer may not be one you like, but it may be putting her to sleep is best for you and her. She sounds very aggressive, and it's quite serious she has killed two dogs. If she can do this to dogs, she could potentially serious hurt a child or adult as well. You cannot take this risk. I know what a hard decision this can be, I had to make it myself. I had a wonderful dog named Toby, but as he got older, he started to act possessive of his bed and things. He started to act aggressive, and the one day, he bit my son in the face, just missing his eye. I couldn't take that risk any more, so I put him to sleep the same day. It was devastating, but the right thing to do. This may be the best option for her. I hope this helps, and I'm sorry.

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