What's the best way to introduce a new pet ( dog) to my cats the dog is suppose to be cat friendly I've only had her since Sat 4 4 2020 or does just take a little. time a little friction cats are tiptoeing around the dog have another dog in house no problem with cats

Updated On April 7th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | 9 years and 1 month old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Jenna Beyer, DVM, MBA, cVMA

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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It definitely takes time. Until they are all comfortable with each other, I would recommend keeping them separated unless you are able to give them your undivided attention. Dolly may be fine with cats, but that doesn't mean that your cats are okay with her! Make sure to avoid feeding everyone together and keep toys or treats away during this time, as Dolly may be protective of these things if a cat comes up to investigate.

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