Hi, My cat has been limping on and off for the last day or two but then he was fine, playing and walking perfectly again. However, today he was limping and could not run up stairs. He was walking up the stairs and was not jumping on surfaces. He seems very tired and keeps hiding in his cage. He is eating fine but seems to be a little bit shaky. Please could you let me know what may be wrong with my cat and if I should take him to the hospital. Thanks, Anisa
Updated On April 7th, 2020
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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Hello Anisa! Limping means he is in pain, and pain could make him lethargic as well. Unfortunately there are no OTC pain medications you can give him, as many human ones are toxic to cats and are fatal if given. I think you should take him into the vet first thing in the morning. The vet can diagnose why he is in pain, and can treat him. I hope this helps!
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