My 14 year old lab has had mushy, yellowy soft stool for about 10 days. We tried a week of flagyl without improvement. Now going to start him on amoxicillin. He is not sick, he is his usual self and enjoys his meals. No vomiting. I have tried rice, pumpkin, chicken. Nothing makes any difference. The vet said we could drop him off for exam, due to covid, we can't accompany him and he goes nuts at the vet. He has cognitive dementia, cushings and I don't want to stress him. What could this be?

Updated On April 8th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | neutered | 70 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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This diarrhea could be caused by something serious like liver disease, kidney disease, or even cancer in a dog Mitch's age. He does need to see a vet for this, especially nothing you are doing is helping. It's worth the visit, I'd take him into one today.

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