My cat is 14 yrs old and passed a physical exam by our local vet 4 days ago. We took her in b/c she wasnt eating for a week, wasnt aware of her surroundings, and been laying in the same bed for 4 days prior to the vet visit. But she was drinking water, so our vet gave us special "recovery" food to force feed 3ml daily & maropitant citrate to prevent vomiting (No bloodwork). Unfortunately her health hasnt improved in the last 4 days and she almost seems weaker. She also hasnt pooped. Any advice?

Updated On April 10th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | spayed | 6 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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I'd take Bubbles back into a vet immediately. She needs a geriatric blood panel, urinalysis, and possibly x-rays or an ultrasound to diagnose what is causing her symptoms. I'm concerned it could be something serious like cancer.

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