My dog has been coughing a lot. It has gone on for probably around a year, but he has allegies so I never thought much of it. Now it seems to be worsening. He is a maltese poodle, 12 years old, and I am concerned about collapsing trachea. He seems happy and playful otherwise. Can you help?

Updated On April 10th, 2020

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Yes, it could be possible he has a collapsing trachea but in a dog his age, this cough could also be due to heart disease. I'd have him seen by a vet for this problem this weekend. The vet can do blood work, a urinalysis, and chest x-rays. The vet can diagnose what is causing his cough and can treat him. If he does have heart disease, it cannot be cured but it can be managed medically. I hope this helps!

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