Hi my dog is a 10 year old caviller King Charles spaniel. Today I found has 3 lumps on her back. They are tiny and like on the surface of the skin but one of them (the first photo) appears to be bigger under the skin which I can feel through her skin but not see. I am planning to take her to the vets on Wednesday if need be as that is when I get paid but I was wondering if it was ticks/ fleas/ lice etc. incase I can buy a treatment over the counter and start treating it before Wednesday.
Updated On April 11th, 2020
Pet's info:
Answered By Jenna Beyer, DVM, MBA, cVMA 181
Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
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I can't really tell from the picture what it is. If you dog isn't on a flea or tick preventative, that could be part of the issue. Skin infection, sebaceous cyst, or other masses would be possible, as well. I would wait and see what happens. You can get her started on a flea preventative, and use a medicated shampoo like Dechra MalAcetic Ultra Shampoo for mild skin infections.
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