Hello, I used a flea and tick med that contains essential oils and I just found out that’s poisonous to cats. I’ve only used it once and within 10 minutes I had already wiped it off because I found out it can be poisonous. I used a wet rag and a baby wipe to remove what I could. Ive been reading they can have seizures and stuff and now I’m terrified? Should my cat be okay since I’ve only used it once? Thanks!

Updated On April 11th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Since you removed it so quickly, Torti should be ok. Give her a bath now to be safe, and I can give you a safe flea treatment program for her. Wait two days, then give it to her. First, I would give her Capstar. It's a one time pill that starts killing fleas within 30. minutes. Then follow up with a spot on treatment, such as Advantage or Revolution. This is a treatment that has to be used once a month. You will also have to disinfect the environment. Wash her bedding in hot soapy water, and vacuum the furniture and carpet surfaces. You can use a spray to kill fleas in the house, such as Indorex, or a flea bomb would work well to kill the fleas in the home. I hope this helps!

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