Hello, my three-year-old Dog recently presented with bloody diarrhea. I took her to the vet that same day. The vet prescribed metronidazole 250 mg a day. Yesterday this was the color of her poop. Is this a normal side effect? Does it have anything to do with the medication? Is this an emergency?
Updated On April 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Miniature Poodle | Female | spayed | 2 years and 11 months old | 10 lbs
Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA 103
Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer
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I agree that this poop is quite a bright color yellow! This is not normally caused by metronidazole, so it's hard to say why it might be happening. Poop can sometimes be yellow or orange in color, and it may not mean anything in particular... so I wouldn't necessarily be concerned unless it stays this was for several days in a row, or she's having other symptoms of a problem. If she's still acting normal and this stool is improved vs. yesterday (which I'm assuming it is, since it definitely looks better than bloody diarrhea!) it should be okay to continue on her meds as prescribed by your vet, and monitor for the next few days. If her stool is not back to normal within the next 3-5 days, or if she develops other new symptoms in the meantime, then I would recommend having her rechecked by your veterinarian.
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