I have a barn cat who gave birth to 2 kittens 4 days ago. I waited around for a while because she still looked pregnant but no more kittens. I felt around her belly and I felt something and I think it is more kittens inside her. I can't take her to the vet because my parents won't let me and the coronavirus isn't much help either. I really don't want her to die because of this. I think there is a dead kitten blocking the others and I don't know what to do. Please help! Thank you!
Updated On April 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | unspayed | 5 years and 9 months old | 10 lbs
Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA 103
Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer
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Hi there. It's hard to know what you might be feeling in her abdomen without being able to examine her in person. It's possible that it could be a kitten, but it might also be poop in her colon, or some other normal structure. As far as whether to be concerned or not, I would base this on how she is acting. If she's still having any active contractions, meaning that you can see her straining or "pushing," then this is very concerning and she definitely needs to see a vet. I would also be concerned if she's vomiting, not eating, or acting unusually lethargic. If she's acting like something is wrong, then I'm afraid there's really no alternative but for her to see a veterinarian to find out what's wrong. If she does still have a kitten stuck inside her, the only treatment for this is emergency surgery. If she's acting normal - nursing and grooming her kittens, eating and drinking normally, and not having any vomiting or other problems, then it's likely that she's just fine. In that case, it should be okay to keep monitoring her at home for the next few days and see how things go.
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