Hi, I’m concerned because when I got out of bed this morning, there was a large green wet spot, tinged with blue, where Maggie usually sleeps. She has never urinated in bed and I usually wake up if she vomits (but it’s possible I didn’t, she rarely vomits). She does eat grass sometimes, and her behavior otherwise seems normal. Normal energy, appetite, etc. What could this be and do I take her to the vet?
Updated On April 13th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) | Female | unspayed | 5 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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That is odd and unfortunately, it's a little hard to know what that is. It looks like there are flecks of more solid material in there which makes me lean toward vomit or a discharge from her vulva. Green coloration is always worrisome because it can signify significant infection or rat bait poisoning (which is green/blue or a combination). I do recommend to have her examined today to be safe. Show the vet your photo. Check the house and yard for any rat/mouse bait. Look for anything she could have gotten into that could be this color. Syptoms will not show up for a few days. Here is a link about rat bait poisoning just in case: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/rodenticide-warfarin-poisoning-in-dogs According to her profile, Maggie is not spayed. A serious infection in the uterus called a pyometra can also cause a greenish discharge. Here is a link about pyometra: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/pyometra-in-dogs After an exam and a thorough medical history, your vet will get a better idea of a potential cause and will know if treatment is needed. I hope this helps and they figure it out quickly.
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