My cat has what appears to be an extra growth at the base of his left pinky claw, creating an almost bottle opener like shape. His claw on that side is forced up and out by this, unlike his right pinky claw which does not have this extra bit of growth. It appears to cause him pain when touched or examined. I'm curious how much cause for concern this is and what course of action I should take. It is difficult to visit a vet in person during this pandemic.

Updated On April 14th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 11 years and 8 months old | 9 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Poor Wrex. Because it is painful, that is worth a visit to the vet. Unfortunately there are no OTC pain medications you can give him. Many human ones are toxic to cats and are fatal if given. You don't want to leave him in pain, so I'd take him into a vet today to get this treated. I hope this helps!

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