I recently bought a chameleon from pet smart a week ago. I don't know it's age or gender but a few eyes ago it's eye shut and my chameleon won't open it again. How can I help it?
Updated On April 16th, 2020
Pet's info: Reptile | Chameleon
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Confirm proper temps and humidity in the enclosure. Low temps can cause stress in reptiles which may lead to illness or lethargy. Soak him in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte for 10-15 minutes. You can use plain, sterile saline to rinse his eyes in case there is dust or debris in them. If symptoms persist or worsen, consider an exam with your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles. This may be a good idea anyway since Kenny is "new" to you. An exam will confirm good health or may diagnose any pre-existing conditions which can then be treated. In the meantime, review Veiled Chameleon care at the link below. http://www.reptilesmagazine.com/Care-Sheets/Lizards/Veiled-Chameleon/
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