Hello, My dog has begun salivating profusely before mealtimes. This has been occurring for about a month. Also, he has been vomiting foamy yellow-ish liquid once every 2-4 days. He has not eaten anything ordinary, and there are no changes to diet or environment. I understand it may be an acid-reflux issue, that I could try giving him pepcid 30 min before he eats. What are your recommendations?

Updated On April 17th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Male | neutered | 4 years and 4 months old | 70 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Yes, this could be due to acid reflux, but I can't say for certain without seeing Leo in person. In addition, it's illegal for me to recommend taking any OTC medication. I would have him seen by a vet for this problem. The vet can diagnose what is causing his issues and can treat him. Best of luck.

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