I just found out that my Chihuahua has tapeworms last night. So I called the vet this morning to ask when I could go in, but I was told that I would have to wait until Saturday morning to take him in, today is Sunday morning. Is he going to be ok until then. I was told that he will be fine. But his owner is still really worried. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance and have a great morning and the rest of your day ☺️

Updated On April 19th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) | Male | unneutered | 5 years and 6 months old | 9 lbs

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Answered By Stephanie Echols, DVM


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Thanks for using PetCoach! Tapeworms are not an emergency. If the worms go untreated for life, they may cause health concerns, but I wouldn't be concerned as long as Guero is eating, drinking and not having diarrhea. Good luck and kisses to Guero!

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