Hey my dog suddenly started walking on 3 legs I don't what happened , she was just fine . She's not crying just that she's on keeping her front side right leg down . I'm worried about her condition and it's been just 1day since she started doing this .

Updated On April 20th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Pomeranian | Female

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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This means Duggu is in pain, and she may have strained a ligament or muscle. I recommend resting her for the next 48 hours. No running, jumping, or playing. Take her out to toilet on a leash, and bring her right back in when she's done. If she still appears painful after this time, then I would take her into the vet for an exam. The vet can diagnose where the pain is coming from, and can dictate a treatment plan for it. She may also benefit from some pain medications, which the vet can prescribe. Please do not give her any human pain medications, as many are toxic to dogs and can be fatal if given. I hope this helps!

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