my cat was diagnosed with having benign ear tumours a few years ago, they gave us ear drops which had a potential side effect of deafness, he went deaf and we stopped using them, he wont put on weight but we are feeding him constantly, hes wormed regularly so it isnt that, he has a belly but bony on the back and is around 16. Another cat has been brought into the house who has cat flu, and has i injections he is sneezing and has green discharge in his eyes is this the ear tumours or cat flu?

Updated On April 21st, 2020

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Ear tumors can certainly lead to chronic upper airway infections in cats, so my guess would be this is caused by the ear tumors, especially if they are polyps because the infiltrate the nasal passage. Poor guy. I would get him on another round of antibiotics soon to help clear up his infection. I would also recommend some bloodwork to ensure his internal organs are healthy as well. I hope that your furry friend feels better soon! Take care.

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