Hi! So we got a kitten a month ago. They only had 1 available and we wanted 2. We got one on Saturday from another litter, they had the same dad so they grew up together. We assumed they'd be fine together, but our older kitten is very upset by the new addition. We can't leave them in a room alone and frequently have to separate them. He just pounces on her and pins her slot, shes much smaller. I'm worried about how much they cry when we put one in a separate room. Ideas or thoughts?

Updated On April 21st, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Siberian | Male | unneutered | 3 months and 18 days old | 5 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Separate them for a few days, then gradually reintroduce them. First, allow them to sniff and hear each other through a closed door. Do this for ever increasing periods of time. Next, allow them to see but not reach one another. Progress to having one in a closed carrier in the same room. Correct any negative behavior immediately. Praise and reward them as they progress. Finally, a physical introduction can be attempted. A pheromone product, such as Feliway Spray or plug in diffusers, may help decrease any anxiety. You can also switch their bedding so they get used to the other's odor. Be patient and be consistent.

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