I have a single female pigeon. She laid an egg few weeks ago. From that time, her poop is so sticky. Her poop is like gel. She poops on floor and the floor becomes sticky. I didn't give her any new snacks. Why is her poop sticky? What's the reason? Is this not good? Here it is complete lockdown for somedays so, no vet is available now. Please tell me what to do.

Updated On April 22nd, 2020

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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This consistency of the droppings may be due to her egg laying. The droppings are used in nest building as an adhesive. If she is behaving normally otherwise and has a healthy appetite, there is likely no cause for concern. You can submit a sample to your veterinarian to diagnose parasites to be safe.

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