I have two male guinea pigs, which I rescued November of last year; both of thew were found together. They have got along great up until last week, when I noticed one had bites on his right nostril and left lip. Though upon closer inspection, his right lip was a swollen and a little red, when I checked inside his mouth I saw some pus looking substance so I thought it was an abscess from another bite. I do not know why they started fighting out of the blue and I do not know what to do.

Updated On April 22nd, 2020

Pet's info: Exotic | Unknown - Exotic

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Cookie and including photos. A veterinary visit is recommended to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan. This could be due to bite wounds but also possible dental disease. As guinea pigs mature, they might become more territorial and competitive. Is a larger cage possible, providing multiple feeding and water stations, more hiding places. Not all individuals get along, and might need to be separated.
Good luck.

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