My dog can’t breathe when she gets excited or when I feed her and it used to be only a few seconds and she’d be fine. but now i have to clam her down and it’s taking a lot longer than usual. It’s starting to scare me because it’s happening more frequently and and for more extended periods of time. She’s a 3-4 pound teacup chihuahua about 2 years old.

Updated On April 22nd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) | Female | unspayed | 2 years and 3 months old | 3.5 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Bambi. I'm wondering if she has something like a collapsed trachea causing her breathing issues. You see problems with breathing in the condition with excitement and exercise, and it does worsen over time. This can explain what is going on with her. Without seeing her in person, I can't say for certain this is the cause. I recommend having her seen by a vet in the morning. The vet can diagnose what is causing her problems, and can discuss treatment options with you. If she does have a collapsing trachea, treatment options include medical management or surgery. I hope this helps!

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