Murphy keeps getting impacted anal glands the smell is terrible and they come back after just a week. Should I be concerned or does this just happen to some dogs. I know it’s not good to keep expressing them but what else can I do? He’s licking his butt raw
Updated On April 23rd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Rhodesian Ridgeback | Male | neutered | 54 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Every pet is different and some pets may need their glands expressed every few weeks. Most however will be less frequent. This can be a problem in any dog but it is more common in small dogs. There is a supplement called glandex which many pets respond well to. You may also try feeding him a higher fiber diet. Lastly, sometimes frequent anal gland issues can be a sign of allergies. You may talk with your veterinarian about ways to diagnose an allergy and if this seems to be indicated. Surgery is also an option to remove the anal glands. Please feel free to post any additional questions.
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