Hi, I’m only recently after figuring out that my dog has had conjunctivitis for a while now. However my staff has had swollen nipples since about one and half years old. He’s just turned four and my vet has done plenty of investigation plenty of blood samples scrapings etc. he prescribed an antihistamine put it hasn’t helped with the swollen nipples and itchy underbelly. Is it possible that if the dog has contracted conjunctivitis that it could spread all over the body?
Updated On April 24th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | American Staffordshire Terrier | Male | 4 years and 2 months old | 25 lbs
Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS 86
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Conjunctivitis can't spread to the body, it's likely to be an allergic reaction that does not react to anti histamines. the next step is to try either steroids or Apoquel, the two are much more specific for this type of allergy, if it works- apoquel can be taken on a regular basis.
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