My cat brings her 5-days old kittens to my bed and lays them down under my blanket. Fearing of crushing them in my sleep I repeatedly transferred them to the box where they had initially been,even bringing the box to my bed,but to no avail. Mother cat is bent on bringing her little ones to me.Please help.

Updated On April 24th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Unfortunately, when a momma cat feels someplace is safe, she'll be pretty adamant about bringing her kittens there! Apparently, the bed, and you are her safe spot. You may try making a "nest" for her out of pillows or a blanket from your bed and placing it next to the bed so it smells safe like you, but you can't crush it. You can also try making a pillow "wall" to keep yourself separated from the babies as well if you roll over in the night. Otherwise, just trying to make someplace else more enticing should encourage her to move them again.

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