My kitten got spayed yesterday (5 months old), and is so hyper! Crate didn’t work she was doing somersaults!

Updated On April 24th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Female | spayed | 4 months and 15 days old | 6 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Sounds like Pickle is pretty active! I would see if you could distract her with a toy that takes less movement (such as some kitty treats hidden inside something), or if you can get her to calm down with some gentle petting or brushing. If she gets too active, distracting her with something that requires less movement may also help. I would also just keep an eye on the suture site and check it a few times daily to make sure the sutures aren't pulling at it's still closing, even if she's a little more active. If they appear to be coming apart or infected, let your vet know as they may need to reclose it or give a short-term sedative to help keep her calmer.

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