My six puppies drank sewer water and we didn't know it. We tried dewormer, pedialyte and they still won't eat but still have some energy.

Updated On April 25th, 2020

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Ideally, they should be seen by your veterinarian. They may need supportive care (IV fluids, anti-emetics, anti-diarrheals, etc.) until symptoms resolve. If this is not possible right now, try warming the food slightly or mixing in a teaspoon of plain baby food to stimulate the appetite. Continue to offer water or unflavored PediaLyte. If they don't start eating again in 24 hours or if they develop stomach upset or abdominal pain, then they should be seen by your vet or at the nearest veterinary ER.

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