Hi our cat is currently pregnant about 7 weeks and seems to be spotting watery blood. She has an appetite and seems to be acting completely normal otherwise. Not sure if this is from a UTI or something else. Most vet offices are closed so wanted to chat with a vet beforehand to see if this is normal at all. Thank you!

Updated On April 26th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | unspayed | 1 year and 11 months old

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Without seeing your kitty in person or having a lot more information about her cat health condition, I cannot diagnose what is causing the bleeding you are seeing. If your cat has been pregnant for approximately 49 days bleeding would be abnormal and can be indicative of any number of health problems. My best recommendation would be to take Blazer to your vet for an exam just to be safe.

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