My dogs rib cage has been like this on both sides for 3 years or more, he has acted normal throughout those years. I asked my vet and they said it because of aging. My dog got hit by a car a couple of years back if that helps.
Updated On April 27th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) | Male | neutered | 11 years and 8 months old | 8 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Yes, that looks like it could be from old fractures. If it is not bothering him I don't think I would be overly worried. If you do think it is bothering him or you are worried about it in general, x-rays would give you a definite answer so you may want to consider having that done. Hope this helps. Best wishes!
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