We found this fly-looking bug crawling on Cosmo today - I think I've found one once before. We were able to get it off but are worried there might be more? We asked around and people have suggested it could be a horse fly or a pigeon louse fly. We have been using frontline plus, but does this protect him against this bug? Should we be concerned? I am thinking of switching to advantix because it protects against stable flies - but is this bug a stable fly?
Updated On April 27th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 11 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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I do not recognize this type of fly but it is likely a house fly or stable fly. I'm not sure the species you have in your country. Flies do not "infest" dogs but they can bite them. Advantix is more broad spectrum and I do think it would be best to switch to it. I would not be worried though. Flies will not transmit disease but they can bite and cause irritation.
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