I took my new puppy to the vet for a cough on Saturday, 4/25/20. The vet prescribed 0.75 ml of Clavamox twice daily. On Monday, 4/27/20, the vet called and said that they found Giardia in my puppy's stool sample. They prescribed Metronidazole 0.6 ml twice daily. Is it OK to give my puppy these two medications together? She is only 6lbs and 12 weeks old - I feel like that is a lot of medication to give her and want a second opinion.

Updated On April 28th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Miniature American Shepherd | Female | spayed | 3 months and 1 day old | 9.6 lbs

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Answered By Anna M., DVM


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Yes, it is safe to give those medications together - and both are necessary if she has a bacterial cause of her cough in addition to a giardia infection. Medication is dosed according to weight, so the amount of medication she is receiving should be appropriate for her size. Hope this helps!

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