Hi my cats right thumb nail ripped off completely exposing the nail bed. I spoke w a vet yesterday and she said to put triple antibiotic ointment on the nail bed twice a day. Which I have been doing and I also have been cleaning it with cat wound spray, water & some empsom salt soaks. My question is do I need to keep gauze on his paw or keep it exposed and place a cone on him so he doesn’t lick the wound and get it infected?

Updated On April 28th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | unneutered | 8 lbs

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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM


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If it's not bleeding I would typically not cover it, especially since a bandage can be difficult to keep in place. I'd recommend using the cone to keep him from licking. You probably do not need to clean or soak any more unless there is obvious dirt on the area - cleaning and soaking could lead to further irritation.

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