My hit his left arm/paw yesterday... and now he's slightly limping. I think he'll be fine but can I give him baby Tylenol syrup in the meantime? He's a maltese mix and is about 1.5 years old.
Updated On April 29th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 1 year and 8 months old | 20 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Poor Teddy! Do not give him tylenol or any other human pain medication. Dog's livers are different than ours and human pain medications can potentially cause liver (or kidney) damage. If he is in enough pain to need pain medication, then he needs to be examined by the veterinarian for pet safe pain medication.
Since Teddy can't talk, only a physical exam will be able to determine the source of the lameness. Just like people, the pain/limping can be related to many causes including a ligament tears, soft tissue injury or even a hair line fracture.
If Teddy will not bear weight on the foot, he needs to be examined today. if Teddy will walk on it and is only limping, you may try strict rest for a few days (no walks, running, jumping or stairs). You can apply a cool (not cold) compress to the area you think is the cause of pain for 5 minutes every hour. A gentle massage can also help if Teddy seems to enjoy it.
If Teddy does not improve after a few days or if he gets worse, have him examined by the veterinarian. He may need radiographs and the doctor will determine this based on the exam. I hope your pup starts feeling better quickly and please feel free to post any additional questions.
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