My dog is having breathing problems for a while now and since all this Covid 19 happening I can’t go out... what should I do?
Updated On April 29th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua | Male | 11 months and 28 days old
Answered By C. Rathjens, DVM 129
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We always take breathing problems quite seriously. I would recommend seeing if you can drop Chuy off at the vet clinic without going in (curbside vet care --- this is very common at clinics near me right now), so he can be evaluated and you would just talk to the vet over the phone. Another possible option would be a telemedicine appointment with his vet - this is generally less available I think. If neither of those options will work for you and Chuy, I'd encourage you to submit another question with as much detail about the issue as possible. We won't be able to diagnose or treat it via this forum, but can probably give you a good idea of the seriousness of the issue with a few more details. It would be helpful to have a description of the breathing problem, how long ago it first started, how it's changed (or not) since starting, how Chuy's appetite and energy level are, and how many breaths a minute Chuy takes while resting (count for a minute while he's just laying down resting). I hope your adorable little guy is feeling better soon! Stay safe out there and thanks for using PetCoach.
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