How concerning is a 103 fever in a cat? Was taken at vets earlier and she was definitely stressed. Physical exam was good. Waiting on blood tests to come in tomorrow afternoon, but I’m so worried. She’s still using bathroom, eating, and had some energy earlier in day. Seems very sleepy now and I have no way to take her temp at home to check if it’s gone up or down.
Updated On April 29th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 2 years old | 9.5 lbs
Answered By Jessica Keay, DVM 130
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A normal temperature in a cat will range between 100 and 102.5, so a temperature of 103 in a stressed kitty could potentially be a result of stress/excitement and not something we would normally be excessively concerned about. If your kitty seems to be normal at home then I would wait for news from your vet tomorrow and continue to monitor her and if she shows any changes in her behavior contact your vet earlier.
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