Updated On November 1st, 2024
Most ponds with a waterfall or fountain have some foam or froth from normal water agitation. But if that foam keeps accumulating and does not dissipate, spreading like a white carpet across your pond, it may be a sign of an underlying problem with your pond's water conditions. This white or brown foam is commonly due to an excess of dissolved organic compounds (DOCs) collecting in a slick along the water's surface. The DOCs can come from many sources including inadequate filtration, overfeeding, a buildup of fish waste, or decaying plant material. DOCs not only produce unsightly foam, but they can also reach a level at which they become deadly to your aquatic life.
So, what causes foam on fishponds? If you are trying to solve a pond foam problem, consider these possibilities and solutions:
Are your pond's water parameters out of balance?
Solution: Use a test kit to check for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Trace amounts of nitrate are acceptable, but if any ammonia or nitrite are present, your pond may not be cycled or cycling correctly, and the water parameters are out of balance. In other words, there is more waste being produced than can be processed by the beneficial bacteria and plant life. Your pond may need more biological filtration or bacterial additives to bring conditions back into balance.
Are you keeping too many fish in the pond?
Solution: High nitrate can mean that you have an overstocked pond, overfeeding or you have not performed a water change for a long time. If water changes are performed regularly, you have a couple choices: reduce your fish population, the amount of food being offered, or reduce the number of DOCs your filter must process. Reducing the number of DOCs can be approached in several ways:
Is your pond filter too small for the size of the pond?
Solution: If your filter is not adequately sized for your pond's volume, DOCs may be collecting on the water surface. To remedy this situation, you will need to either add a surface skimmer, another filter, or get a larger one; remember it's typically safer to use a larger filter than recommended by the manufacturer.
Have you recently used a dechlorinator?
Solution: The same solutions you may use during routine water changes to make your tap water safe for your pond fish can also cause foam buildup. If this is bothersome, try a water purifier system especially made for ponds such as the PondFil Float made by Kent Marine. This connects to your outdoor faucet/garden hose and automatically adds filtered water back into your pond when it drops below a certain level due to evaporation or normal water changes.
Have you recently added medications?
Solution: Medications can also cause a waterfall or fountain to foam, although it should dissipate within a day. Since you will need to remove any chemical media, such as carbon, for treatment, and any foam-covered surface area cannot efficiently exchange oxygen, it would be wise to run an aerator during treatment. If possible, it is more productive, safer, and cheaper to treat diseases by removing the fish and placing them in a separate hospital tank.
In addition to getting to the root of the problem, there are some "quick fix" products targeting nuisance foam directly. Try a defoaming agent such as Pro-Polish Defoamer, Anti-Foam, or No More Foam to keep the surface of your pond a clear reflection of all your hard work and creativity. These products are deemed safe to use with plants, pond fish, and other animals.
A main way of controlling the buildup of DOCs in the average garden pond, regardless of the cause, is to increase the number of water changes. In some geographical areas and in very large ponds, the cost and/or amount of water needed may be unfeasible. In these situations, a protein skimmer may be helpful. Ironically, a protein skimmer actually uses bubbles to attract protein molecules. The resulting foam is then removed through a collection cup or drain hose.
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