Hello, A few days ago I noticed matted fur in my dog under her ear and at later inspection it must have been a scab. Her and our other dog often play rough so I'm wondering if something has caught her and because of where it is it isn't healing due to her scratching. I've placed an ecollar on her now and have been cleaning it, it bleeds very slightly at first when doing this. Could you advise if there is anything else I need to do. No vet appts until Wednesday, am I OK to monitor until then?
Updated On February 19th, 2024
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Ouch! That does look pretty irritated, so if it doesn't scab over or continues to look weepy, it's a good idea to have your vet take that look on Wednesday as it may need some anitbiotics. What you're doing at home currently is perfect! I'd continue to use the E-collar to prevent pawing at it, and keep the area clean and dry. You can use a clean compress to gently keep it clean so as to not cause more irritation by rubbing at it or accidentally bumping the scab as excessive cleaning may actually be slowing down the healing process. It should be fine to wait until Wednesday to have it looked at unless it massively swells up, becomes painful to the touch, or starts to ooze any cloudy or green discolored debris (all signs of infection).
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