Published: 09/25/2018
Does your dog jump into your lap whenever you sit down? If so, you’re not alone!
Just like people, individual dogs have different personalities and preferences. Some may prefer to have their own space, but others seem to have a constant craving for physical contact. Many smaller breeds such as the Bichon Frise, Shih Tzu and Maltese have been selectively bred as “lap dogs” who love to snuggle with their favorite humans. However, even larger dogs like Great Danes and Mastiffs may be determined to squeeze themselves on the couch for a cuddle from time to time.
When trying to understand the underlying motivations for this behavior, it’s important to remember that dogs are social animals who have evolved to form close, affectionate relationships with members of their family group. In addition to other familiar behaviors like licking, wagging their tails and soliciting petting or ear scratches from their humans, sharing physical contact while resting is a common way of expressing affection and solidifying social bonds.
As an added bonus, some dogs may learn that sitting on you makes it difficult for you to get up and move—meaning more pets for them! This doesn’t always work, of course, since most of us have to leave the house from time to time in spite of having a warm, furry companion settled comfortably on our laps. But you can’t blame your dog for trying to convince you to stay.
Contrary to what you may have heard, this behavior is not a ploy to gain status in the household or assert dominance over you. Most dogs have no interest in trying to be “alpha” over their humans, and are simply doing natural things that make sense to them.
Finally, especially for young dogs who like to play, sitting on their humans can be a way of asking for more active types of attention. Friendly dogs may whirl around and bump each other with their backsides to solicit a game of chase or a wrestling match, and will sometimes even sit on each other during short breaks in play.
So if your dog likes to sit on you, don’t worry—this is perfectly normal behavior. Take it as a compliment that your dog enjoys your company, and show him that you love him, too.