Arboreal Tarantula Care Sheet

Developed with and approved by a qualified veterinarian.

This care sheet covers a variety of tarantula species, including:

  • Pink-toed: Avicularia avicularia
  • Venezuelan suntiger: Psalmopoeus irminia
  • Tree spiders: Pseudoclamoris elenae and various Tapinauchenius species
Arboreal Tarantula


Arboreal tarantulas are a group of several species of tarantulas that come from the jungles of South and Central America, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa. Unlike terrestrial tarantulas, who live on the ground, arboreal tarantulas spend most of their time in trees. While they are all tree-dwelling and have large, hairy bodies, arboreal tarantulas’ appearance and temperaments vary greatly, with only certain more docile species considered best kept as pets.

Table of contents

Typical tarantula appearance and behavior

  • Arboreal tarantulas travel and hunt in the forest canopy by spinning webs along branches
  • As they grow, tarantulas shed or molt their outer skin or exoskeleton, which looks like a replication of their body (minus the head) once they have shed; they typically lay on their back and twitch, kick and stretch until they cast off their entire exoskeleton
  • Molting can take a few minutes to a few hours and occurs more frequently in young, growing spiders
  • During molting, they may become less active, eat less and look dull colored
  • Most species are nervous and are better kept as pets that you observe rather than handle
  • Arboreal tarantulas generally have light, thin bodies and long legs and are very delicate, especially when they are young
  • Depending on species, females are often slightly larger than males
  • As a group, arboreal tarantulas are considered more aggressive and nervous than terrestrial tarantulas; pink toed tarantulas tend to be less nervous and more easily handled than other tarantula species
  • If feeling threatened, they may bite or run
  • They are generally calmer when housed in habitats with numerous hiding places to provide security
  • They are very quick-moving · As part of their mechanism of defense, some tarantula species “flick” or eject urticating hairs, which irritate predators’ skin and may cause an allergic reaction in humans
  • Pink-toed tarantulas have urticating hairs, but unlike other tarantula species, they cannot release them and must make direct contact with a predator to deter them
  • Venezuelan suntigers and tree spiders do not have urticating hairs but have stronger venom than many other tarantula species
  • Their bite releases a venom that is equivalent to a bee sting, and some people may be especially sensitive; if bitten, seek immediate medical attention
  • Females live longer than males; once males become mature, they live to find a mate, sometimes refusing to eat or drink as they walk back and forth searching for a female
  • Pink-toed tarantulas are named for their peach-colored legs, which help them blend into their native environments and make them look like they have pink toes
  • Female Venezuelan suntigers have dark black bodies with bright orange chevron shapes on their legs and orange tiger-striped patterns on their abdomens; males are smaller than females and are gray-brown instead of black
  • Tree spiders’ appearance varies depending on species; orange tree spiders, for example, have gray-green bodies with orange-red, fluffy-looking legs
  • Many species in the genus Tapinauchenius have iridescent colors that change depending on the way light hits them


Care difficulty Moderate
Average Life Span Depending on the species and with proper care, up to 30 years for females and up to 7 years for males
Average adult size 2–10 inches, depending on species
Diet Carnivorous/insectivorous
Minimum habitat size 5 gallons for one adult


Habitat size

Provide an appropriately sized and shaped habitat at least three times as long as the tarantula’s leg-span and two times as wide as their leg-span to accommodate normal behavior and exercise. Tree-dwelling tarantulas require a vertically oriented habitat with a 10-inch minimum height to allow climbing. Habitats should have a tight-fitting, solid top to prevent escape and multiple ventilation holes that are small enough to prevent escape but large enough to prevent claw entrapment. Screen meshed tops are not recommended for adult tarantulas because they can easily get their claws caught in them and become badly injured.

Building your habitat

  • Décor: Provide a place to hide such as a half-log. Tree-dwelling tarantulas also need cork bark, branches, driftwood and live or artificial plants to climb on and build their webs.
  • Substrate: Mulch-type substrate, such as coconut fiber bedding, reptile bark, vermiculite or dampened sphagnum moss can be used to provide a soft surface in case the tarantula falls while climbing. Substrate should be at least 2” deep. Avoid gravel and artificial turf, which is too abrasive for the tarantulas’ delicate skin.
  • Temperature: Most arboreal tarantulas come from warm climates and require a habitat temperature between 78 and 86°F, depending on species. An under-tank heater with a thermostat can help maintain appropriate habitat temperature.
  • Lighting: Tarantulas are nocturnal (more active at night), so they do not need supplemental lighting. They should be kept in a darker part of the room away from sunlight. Avoid incandescent lights, which can provide heat that will dry out a tarantula. Use a low-wattage nocturnal or infrared light to watch your tarantula after dark
  • Humidity: Arboreal tarantulas typically come from tropical climates with moderate to high humidity. Maintain 50–90% humidity, depending on species, by misting as needed every day. Arboreal species tend to require higher humidity than terrestrial species. Avoid misting the spider and oversaturating the substrate. Instead, mist plants or the sides of the habitat to allow droplets to form, which spiders can drink. Provide an open bowl of shallow water to help increase humidity through evaporation and to allow spiders to drink. Water dishes may be elevated or glued on to the sides of the habitat to facilitate drinking up high by arboreal spiders.

Cleaning your habitat

Spot-clean the habitat daily to remove droppings and discarded food.

Thoroughly clean and disinfect the habitat at least once a month, or more often if needed:

  • Place tarantula in a secure habitat
  • Scrub the tank and furnishings with a reptile habitat cleaner or 3% bleach solution
  • Rinse thoroughly with water, removing all traces of habitat cleaner or bleach smell
  • Dry the tank and furnishings and add clean substrate before placing the tarantula back in the habitat


A well-balanced tarantula diet consists of:

Appropriately sized live insects, such as gut-loaded (recently fed) crickets, mealworms, superworms, hornworms and roaches. Some larger species may eat thawed frozen pinkie mice.

Things to remember when feeding your tarantula:

  • Fresh, clean, water should be available all the time in a shallow, open bowl; your tarantula might not drink from a bowl but will drink water droplets on plants
  • Feed juveniles every other day and adults once a week, because tarantulas are nocturnal, feeding should occur at night
  • Be sure food is smaller than the tarantula, and remove any uneaten live food as it may cause injury to a resting tarantula
  • Do not feed a newly molted spider, as they need time to regenerate their newly molted fangs; instead, wait 7–10 days post-molt to feed
  • Replace water daily
  • Do not overfeed a tarantula, as they commonly become overweight from overfeeding


Handling tarantulas is not recommended. They are nervous and become stressed easily. If feeling threatened, they may flick urticating hairs, bite or even run and fall. A short fall can cause a serious or even fatal injury.

When tarantulas molt, they lie on their back with their feet up in the air. Juveniles molt about four times a year and adults once a year. They may stop eating up to two weeks before a molt; do not disturb them during this time. Be sure to remove all live food from enclosure, as even a cricket could harm them during this period.

Where to buy an arboreal tarantula

Tarantulas are available for purchase at your local Petco location. Please call ahead to check availability.

Tank mates

Because tarantulas are generally territorial, they are best housed individually. Pink-toed tarantulas are one species of tarantula that can sometimes be kept in groups if the habitat is large enough and all are well fed. House other tarantula species separately, and do not house different invertebrate species together.


Signs of a healthy tarantula

  • Eats and passes stool regularly
  • Molts regularly and in one piece
  • Is active and alert
  • Has a rounded abdomen, indicating it’s well hydrated
  • Skin is free of bumps, blemishes, bald spots and parasites
  • Is a healthy weight
  • Has a clean mouth and fangs, free of debris and parasites

Red flags (if you notice any of these signs, contact your veterinarian)

  • Shriveled abdomen, indicating dehydration
  • Bleeding from injury to leg or abdomen
  • Very slow or uncoordinated movements
  • Getting stuck in a molt
  • Loss of appetite that is not associated with molt
  • Debris or parasites around the mouth or fangs
  • Excessive roaming and hair flicking, indicating stress
  • Bald spots, bumps, blemishes or parasites on skin
  • Obesity

Common tarantula health issues

Health Issue Symptoms or Causes Suggested Action
Dehydration Slow moving, shriveled appearance Consult your veterinarian and ensure proper humidity by misting the habitat more frequently and by providing well-hydrated prey
Falls, injuries Bleeding Consult your veterinarian immediately
Bumps, blemishes, bald spots or other obvious skin abnormalities May be caused by trauma, parasites, tumors or excessive hair flicking from stress Consult your veterinarian immediately


Is a tarantula a spider?

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Yes, tarantulas are spiders and members of the family Theraphosidae; however, they are hairy bodied and usually larger than most other spiders.

What do tarantulas eat?

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Tarantulas eat a variety of insects such as roaches, crickets, mealworms, superworms and hornworms. Larger tarantulas can eat thawed frozen rodents.

How long do tarantulas live?

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The life span of a tarantula will vary by species and gender and is typically 7–30 years.

Where do tarantulas live?

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Some live in the desert, and others are found in the tropics, depending on the species. They can be found in burrows, under logs, under vegetation and in small crevices in rocks. Arboreal species will be found on trees within the foliage.

How many eyes do tarantulas have?

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Like other spiders, tarantulas have eight eyes—two larger eyes in the middle of their head are surrounded by three smaller eyes on each side. Despite all these eyes, they have poor vision and depend on sensitive hairs on their legs to orient themselves.

How many legs does a tarantula have?

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Tarantulas have eight legs and two pedipalps (the pair of appendages that tarantulas use to sense things in their environments and in reproduction).

Can tarantulas swim?

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Yes, tarantulas can swim; however, they are not excellent swimmers, and placing your tarantula in water is not recommended. Use shallow water bowls to prevent them from drowning.

Notes and sources

Ask a Pet Care Center employee about Petco's selection of products available for the care and happiness of your new pet. All products carry a 100% money-back guarantee.

Because invertebrates such as tarantulas can cause skin irritation by flicking their urticating hairs and by transmitting irritating venom through bites, minimize handling your tarantula, and always wash your hands before and after handling your invertebrate or their habitat contents.

Pregnant women, children under the age of 5, senior citizens and people with weakened immune systems should contact their physicians before purchasing or caring for invertebrates and should consider having a pet other than an invertebrate. Go to the Centers for Disease Control at for more information about invertebrates and disease.

The information on this care sheet is not a substitute for veterinary care. If your pet is sick, or you need additional information, please contact your veterinarian as appropriate.
