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If you’re looking for a bright aquarium plant that is fairly easy to care for and fun to look at, the El Nino fern makes a great choice. The Bolbitis heteroclita, also called Asian water fern, are green, freshwater plants that are relatively easy to care for and can survive in most aquatic environments.
This type of aquatic fern is native to Southeast Asia. They can grow in semi or fully aquatic environments, making them a versatile plant to include in your freshwater aquarium.
Read on to learn more about what El Nino ferns look like, how to care for them and more. You can buy an El Nino fern or choose from other live aquarium plants here at Petco.
Many aquarists love this plant because of its color. Similar to java ferns, this species is a bright green, stemmed plant with long, lance-shaped leaves that grow in bunches.
Your El Nino fern may grow up to a foot tall over time, and leaves can generally reach three inches long.
El Nino fern care begins with planting it correctly. The roots of this plant should not be pushed far into the substrate—they need to be near the surface to absorb nutrients from the water. Many people successfully grow this plant by placing the fern on top of the substrate.
Using thread, plant glue or fishing line, you can also attach El Nino ferns to a rock or piece of driftwood. The plant’s roots will eventually take hold around the décor, and it can stay in place without the line. This process may take a few weeks to a few months to complete.
Many aquatic plants need a lot of light, but El Nino ferns are relatively low-maintenance by comparison. You can grow this plant in low lighting, but they can thrive in environments with higher light intensity and a color spectrum around 6500K. You should aim to give your El Nino fern at least eight hours of light daily.
Other care recommendations for Asian water ferns include:
This water fern needs a larger aquarium than some other plants. Your habitat should be at least 10 gallons, given how tall these ferns can grow. Keep in mind that deeper aquariums may need brighter lights to ensure they can reach plants at the bottom. You can find a variety of aquariums, kits and stands at Petco that can fit the needs of El Nino ferns.
The most common problem with El Nino ferns is dying leaves directly related to nutrient or light deficiencies. Root rot can also be problematic if the plant’s roots and rhizomes are pushed too deeply into the substrate.
This particular plant propagates by growing plantlets from existing leaves. You will first notice a brown spot on one of your fern’s leaves, and then a small group of roots will emerge. Next, a green stem appears from the leaf from which a small plantlet will grow. Once the plantlet detaches itself from the original plant, you can either place it next to a piece of driftwood or put it on top of the substrate. If you do nothing, the fern will still grow plantlets that attach themselves to nearby décor.
There is a variety of aquatic life that live harmoniously with this plant. For instance, small fish like tetras and bettas normally leave these live plants alone. You may also pair an Asian water fern with pencilfish and rasboras. Avoid more aggressive species like large cichlids, barbs, crayfish and crabs.
Add dwarf shrimp to your aquarium if you want to try something different. These invertebrates can clean your fern by eating biofilm and extra fish food that becomes attached. If they eat any part of your fern, it will only be the dead bits. Similarly, otocinclus catfish also eat biofilm and algae off plants.
What is an Asian water fern?
This is another name for the El Nino fern. Native to Southeast Asia, this aquatic plant can live in a wide variety of freshwater aquariums. You can even grow a water fern in low lighting if it receives between eight to ten hours of light per day.
How do I plant an Asian water fern?
This type of aquatic plant is easy to plant and grow. Place the fern on the top of the substrate so the roots are not buried—an aquatic fern’s roots can easily rot if they are too far below the surface. This plant can benefit from CO2 and liquid fertilizer, though neither is required.
How do I grow an El Nino fern?
El Nino ferns are relatively easy to plant and care for when using a plant-specific substrate, moderate lighting and a CO2 system to keep your plants healthy and bright. Make sure not to bury this plant’s roots too far into the soil substrate, and they can grow up to 12 inches tall over just a few months.
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