Hello, my dog Raven has been itching for awhile. I have been giving her Zyrtec allergy medicine for 2 months but I’m not sure if that’s been helping. Just the past 4 days I have started giving her Salmon Fish Oil Omega 3 with Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil from Zesty Paws. I have given her those supplements before but stopped months ago. I noticed today she has these red bumpy spots under her belly and some other spots she has flaky skin. All these spots are near her back side under/top. Thank you.

Updated On September 19th, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Female | spayed | 80 lbs

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Answered By Rebecca, DVM


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Thank you for using Petcoach. From your picture it appears that Raven has a skin infection. This usually occurs secondary to allergies as they lick and scratch leaving the skin more susceptible to yeast and bacteria. I would recommend a vet visit to get her on appropriate antibiotics and possible a medication for allergies. There are many treatment options to try for an itchy dog.

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