What do all dog and cat pet parents have in common? They must all worry about flea & tick infestations on their furry four-legged friend. Fleas and ticks are common parasite problems found wherever animals live. All parasites need a host on which to feed and reproduce, and chances are you have encountered the wide array of topical and environmental treatments available. You want to ensure you use the safest and most effective product for your pet but it can be difficult to navigate the terms used to define each product. Use this Care Sheet as a guide when trying to decide which type of product is best for your family pet.
“Ticks have a four-stage life cycle,” says Carlson, “which includes the egg, larva, nymph and adult stages.”
All three of the later stages require a blood meal to progress to the next phase of their life. However, the larva and nymph stages are more likely to feed on rodents and other small animals, and are not commonly found on pets.
“Ticks range in size depending on their life stage and type,” says Carlson. “Nymphs can be so small they look like a freckle on a human or just a tiny dot of dirt on your pet's face.”
When ticks reach the adult stage, they prefer larger hosts. It is these adult ticks that are generally found on humans and pets.
Depending on a tick’s life stage, feeding normally lasts from 10 minutes to 2 hours, according to the CDC.
Found in the environment in which your pet rests, such as dog beds, carpet or furniture.
Three stages which take 1 week to several months to complete. Flea larvae feed on adult flea feces, dead skin and hair.
Mature in a silken cocoon over five to 14 days. A flea can survive within the cocoon anywhere from two months to a year without a blood meal.
Adult fleas found on the animals must have a blood meal to survive and reproduce. Fleas in this stage that have emerged from the cocoon must feed within one week.
Found in the environment your pet interacts with outside, such as grass.
Have six legs at this stage and do require a blood meal in order to move to the next stage.
Have eight legs at this stage. Require another blood meal to move to the next stage.
Once reached, the female will have one last blood meal, lay approximately 1,000 eggs and then die.
Ticks are commonly found in areas where wildlife is prevalent, along grassy and wooded locations, says Carlson, who adds that certain types of ticks are more prevalent in some regions of the country.
“Most tick populations are east of the Rocky Mountains, but California also has a noted tick population,” adds Carlson. “The deer tick is a very important tick to be concerned with, as it is the carrier of Lyme disease, the devastating illness causing fever, chills, headaches (and)muscle and joint aches in humans and pets.”
While there are many kinds of ticks found across the United States, a few examples of prevalent ticks species and where they are found include:
The deer tick is most often found in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic, and upper Midwest, with pockets of them in California and the West Coast. Rocky Mountain spotted fever, transmitted by the American dog tick, primarily occurs in Arkansas, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Tennessee, according to the CDC.
While the Asian Longhorned Tick had not previously inhabited the Western Hemisphere the CDC reports, as of 2019, longhorned ticks have been discovered in Arkansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Pet pest prevention
Flea & tick concerns are not just related to itchy pets. There are several serious consequences of infestation for you and your beloved pet. Your pet may ingest fleas during its routine grooming. These fleas, if carrying the larvae, can lead to a tapeworm within your pet's intestines. People can also become infected with tapeworms if they somehow ingest infected feces. Young pets can also suffer from flea bite anemia if there is a large flea infestation. As adult biting fleas must feed on blood, too many fleas on a young puppy or kitten can result in significant blood loss requiring immediate veterinary treatment.
Ticks can also lead to serious medical conditions for your pet. While not all ticks carry disease, it is important to note that certain ones can transmit various diseases. The brown dog tick and the American dog tick carry the most common diseases, including Ehrlichia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease and tick paralysis. Seek veterinary treatment immediately if you suspect your pet has become seriously ill from a tick bite.
While flea & tick prevention is the key to successfully controlling the health risks associated with infection, you may find the need for immediate relief. A shampoo, spray, powder, oral or topical application will help provide immediate control so that you can set up a maintenance protocol to prevent future infestations. You can also ask your veterinarian for a treatment to help with immediate flea & tick control.
It is important to remember how the life cycle of these pests works when looking to establish a prevention program. If there are fleas or ticks on your pet, they are in your environment (home). Your home and yard will also require treatment. Remember, fleas and ticks can survive for a long time away from their host in certain stages of the life cycle. The maintenance program you establish will be your most important step to preventing the serious consequences of infestation in your furry family member. Flea & tick products have different active ingredients, so you will want to look for certain features in order to enjoy the best benefits for your friend.
Products that contain adulticides are designed to kill only adult fleas and ticks on your pet. Many shampoos, sprays and collars feature this form of protection. They are effective for immediate results only and will not prevent fleas from coming back.
IGR products kill the flea eggs, larvae and pupae stages. They are used to break the flea life cycle, but do not kill adult fleas or ticks.
The ideal product for protecting your pet against adult pests while also breaking the life cycle is one that features a repellent, adulticide and IGR. Most of the oral or topical applications and household premises control products feature both types of pest relief.
Your veterinarian is the best resource for understanding and treating all things related to fleas and ticks.
Many Petco stores offer grooming services with the option of adding a flea & tick treatment. Ask your pet stylist for more information.
Note: The information on this Care Sheet is not a substitute for veterinary care. If you need additional information, please contact your veterinarian.
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